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  • Vikki Barcroft

So, I did a podcast...

Inside the Bradfield Centre invited me as a guest speaker to chat about one of my favourite subjects...yep, you guessed it, events!

We talked about how the current global situation (Covid-19) has and will continue to impact the events industry. More importantly though, both Faye (my partner in crime for the purpose of the podcast) and I got super passionate about how we can still create incredible event experiences in the virtual world.

There's actually some incredible opportunities and ways to completely transform those events you've always done 'just because' or even to go wild with exciting ideas to create something brand spanking new.

First time I have ever done anything like this but I really enjoyed it. So, I hope that others enjoy it, and that it helps other event managers in these crazy times, even if it's just to reaffirm what you already know, that's nice sometimes isn't it?

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